Having learned much from Osain, he puts his knowledge to use by taking care of the needy and sick. A humble man and tending to those that need him, walking with a tall staff and fishing hook. His best friend is Ochosi and they both go hand in hand.
His cult comes from the community of Ilobu, where a river passes with his name. He protected the Yorubas from the invasion of the Fulanis. His name comes from Yoruba Erinle, “The food that Earth gives”. Inle does not go directly to the head; he is done Yemaya Oro Inle.
Child of Obatala and Yembo, brother of Abbata, best friend of Ochosi, relations with Oshun and Yemaya, it is said that Logun Ede was child of Inle and not of Ochosi. He speaks through diloggun Oche-Oddi(5-7) and Oddi-Oche(7-5).
Feast day is September 29th and he is associated with Saint Raphael. Inle loves all kinds of fine foods and drinks. His Eleke is made of blue, yellow, green and coral beads. All his animals are white and he is patron of doctors and hospitals. Medical doctor of Santeria, holding a staff with the symbol used by medical faculties all over the world.
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