LG1117 6” 10” Gitana Statue Gypsy

Item No.:  LG1117-6| LG1117-10

Size: 6 Inch | 10 Inch

Case: 24pcs/case | 6pcs/case

Haitian Vodou in all its forms and branches such as Dominican 21 Division, Puerto Rican Sanse or New Orleans Voodoo are traditions that empowers women. In our rites, women are viewed as equally strong, as important and at times stronger then their male counterparts; this feminine power manifests itself with the Lua and Spirits we venerate.

SKU: LG1117-6| LG1117-10 Categories: , , Tags: ,


In Sanse we respect and acknowledge all spirits of light, all the saints “Santos as we call them” wether they are Catholic, African, or Native American, every Misterio we respect them all, both masculine and feminine energies. It is not unheard in our traditions that the energies of Yemalla del Norte, are as powerful and when inprolerly harnessed are as dangerous as those energies manifested through the Ogou Nation. Within our traditions you cant be a spiritual person and ignore these facts.

Papa Legba the gatekeeper, the great messenger and Fa the Lord of Infinite Wisdom, himself knows this to be true, and for this reason many of our Loases have both masculine and feminine sides, energies, vueltas or counterparts, they represent the spectrum of night and day, of good and evil,, of fatherhood and motherhood, brotherhood and sisterhood, of that which is known and that which is unknown, that which is evident and obvious with that which is mysterious. As far as the Lua venerated in Vodou and all its branches, sometimes what may appear to have its branches in one Continent, has its roots in another, and no other spirits within the Sanse and Espiritismo traditions holds this true as does the Court of the Gypsies.

lg 1117

Additional information

Dimensions 8.19 × 8.19 × 11.42 in
Item No.

LG1117-6, LG1117-10


6 Inch, 10 Inch

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