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  • LG1793-12 Wall Mounted Crucifixion Cross New Style 12 Inches

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    Item No.: LG1793-12

    Size: 12 Inch

    Case: 12pcs/case

    The crucifixion of Jesus is a central narrative in Christianity, and the cross (sometimes depicting Jesus nailed onto it) is the main religious symbol for many Christian churches.

  • LG1940-12 Holy Trinity Statue New Style

    Item No.: LG1940-12

    Size: 12 Inch

    Case: 6 pcs/ case

    “Father, Son, Holy Spirit”, The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (from Latin trinitas “triad”, from trinus “threefold”) defines God as three consubstantial persons or hypostases—the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit—as “one God in three Divine Persons”. The three persons are distinct, yet are one “substance, essence or nature”. In this context, a “nature” is what one is, while a “person” is who one is.


    Item No.: LG25B880-AB

    Size: 10 Inches

    Case: 4set/case

    Angel Decorations

  • LG468 6” 8” 12” Crucifixion of Jesus Standing Cross

    Item#: LG468-6| LG468-8| LG468-12

    Size: 6 Inches | 8 Inches | 12 Inches

    Case: 96pcs/case| 36pcs/case| 16pc/case

    Crucifixion is a form of slow and painful execution in which the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden cross and left to hang for days up to a week until exhaustion and final death from asphyxiation. It is principally known from antiquity, but remains in occasional use in some countries.

  • LG550-12 The Three Mary at Cross 12 Inches

    Item No.: LG550-12

    Size: 12 Inches

    Case: 8 set/case

    Las Tres Marías, the Three Maries, are the Virgin MaryMary Magdalene, and Mary of Cleofas. They are often depicted at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ or at his tomb.

  • LG9079 5.5” 7.5” 13A” 13B” Lucky Elephant New Style

    Item#: LG9079-5.5 | LG9079-7.5 | LG9079-13A| LG9079-13B

    Size: 5.5 Inches | 7.5 Inches | 13A Inches| 13B Inches

    Case: 30 set/case| 12 set/case| 6pc/case| 6pc/case

    Lucky elephant statues are iconic symbols in various cultures, revered for their auspicious qualities and believed to bring good fortune, wisdom, and protection to their owners. Crafted from materials like wood, metal, or stone, these statues often depict elephants with raised trunks, a gesture symbolizing prosperity and positivity. In many traditions, placing a lucky elephant statue at the entrance of a home or business is thought to invite blessings and ward off negativity. These charming figurines serve not only as decorative pieces but also as reminders of the power of positivity and the potential for good fortune in our lives.

  • LG931 4″ Seven Angels Set Seven Archangels Collection

    Item No.: LG931-4

    Size: 4 Inch

    Case: 16 Set /case

Showing all 7 results