Orisha Oya

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  • LG1200 6″ 8″ 12″ Orisha Oya Statue

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    Item#: LG1200-6| LG1200-8| LG1200-12

    Size: 6 Inch| 8 Inch| 12 Inch 

    Case: 36pcs/case| 18pcs/case| 8pcs/case

    Oya (Yoruba: Ọya, also known as Oyá or Oiá; Yansá or Yansã; and Iansá or Iansã in Latin America) is an Orisha of winds, lightening, and violent storms, death and rebirth. She is similar to the Haitian Maman Brigitte, who is syncretised with the Catholic Saint Brigit.

  • LG1321 6″ 12.5″ Red Color Orisha Oya Statue

    Item#: LG1321-6| LG1321-12.5

    Size: 6 Inches| 12.5 Inches 

    Case: 72pcs/case| 12pcs/case

    Oya (Yoruba: Ọya, also known as Oyá or Oiá; Yansá or Yansã; and Iansá or Iansã in Latin America) is an Orisha of winds, lightening, and violent storms, death and rebirth. She is similar to the Haitian Maman Brigitte, who is syncretised with the Catholic Saint Brigit.

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