LG1037 8.5″ 12.5″ Virgen de la Dulce Espera Nuestra Señora de la Dulce Espera Estatua

Item#: LG1037-8.5-0916| LG1037-12.5-0916

Size: 8.5 Inch| 12.5 Inch

Case: 36pcs/case| 12pcs/case

Our Lady of Dulce Espera is devotion to the Virgin Mary , pregnant of baby Jesus. She would pray mothers who are expecting a baby and those families who long to have a child. Mary was asked protection and advice , wisdom and the ability to pray and have faith to face this great challenge in human life: parenting

SKU: LG1037-8.5-0916| LG1037-12.5-0916 Categories: , , , Tags: ,


Mary, Mother of beautiful love, sweet girl of Nazareth,
you think you proclaimed the greatness of the Lord and
saying “yes”, you became Mother of our Savior and our Mother:
attending today’s entreaties I do to you.
Within me a new life is growing:
a small that will bring joy and gladness, concerns and fears,
hopes and happiness to my home.
Take care of it and protect it while I carry it in my womb.
And, in the happy moment of birth,
when I heard his first sounds and see their chiquitas hands,
can thank the Creator for the wonder of this gift that He gives me.
That following your example and model, you can accompany and watch my son grow.
Help me and inspire me to find that in my shelter over their heads and, at the same time,
a starting point to take their own paths.
In addition, sweet Mother, look especially
for women who face this moment alone, without support and without affection .
They can feel the love of the Father
and to discover that every child who comes into the world is a blessing.
They know that the heroic decision to embrace and nurture the child is taken against them.
Our Lady of the Sweet Wait, give them your comfort and courage.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A
Item No.

LG1037-8.5-0916, LG1037-12.5-0916


8.5 Inch, 12.5 Inch

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